

We are currently in the process of updating our online documentation and the full suite of documents will be available shortly. If you are an adviser or a client and have any questions, please contact your normal administrator.

For our SIPP members who have previously registered for SIPP-Web, this can now be accessed by clicking on the following link SIPP Web Login ( This website allows you to access certain SIPP Data which is administered by Options UK.

Our Open SIPP Products

Your Simple SIPP

Your Premier SIPP



Other Information

Legacy SIPP Products (Closed to new members)

Options UK Group and Self Invested Personal Pension

Premier SIPP

Premier SIPP

Pathlines Pensions UK Limited

Your Global SIPP

Pathlines Pensions UK Limited Legacy Products (Closed to new members)


STM International Pension Plan

Open Pension

Simple Investment SIPP