Workplace Pensions for all

Solutions for your employees’ tomorrow

Regardless of how big your company is, or how many people you employ, the Options Workplace Pension is a UK registered pension scheme that is open to all employers.

It’s flexible, transparent and meets the Qualifying Workplace Pension requirements of Auto-enrolment.

The Options Workplace Pension is technically defined as a ‘master trust occupational defined contribution scheme’ and fully qualifies as a workplace pension scheme as defined by The Pensions Regulator.

Our  Master Trust received Authorisation from the Pensions Regulator in 2019.

With independent governance at its heart, our trustee board has eliminated conflict of interest by using independent external trustees.

Our Workplace Pension also has a Shariah compliant section to meet Muslim faith requirements with ethical Halal funds as the default from our partnership with Wahed Invest.

Fitting the bill for your workplace pension

  • Open to all employers of any size
  • Simple online set up
  • Investment options available outside of default
  • Special Halal section under the Options Workplace Pension Trust  - via this LINK 
  • Simple clear charging structure
  • Transfers in / transfers out – to allow members to consolidate all previous pensions in one place and take pension with them if they move job
  • Net Pay Arrangement giving tax relief through payroll

Act now to meet your obligations - and avoid fines

Employers must meet all auto-enrolment obligations, it is the law.

Options can help with a cost effective and hassle-free scheme set up, and with fines for getting this wrong charged on a daily basis this could be an expensive mistake!

Employers should act now and set up online Click on the Register button below and follow the Employer link to set up today.

If you are a business adviser, such as an Accountant, Employee Benefit or Payroll Provider, or Financial Adviser - you can set up schemes online for all of your employer clients.
Click on the Register button below and follow the Professional Introducer (PI) link and we will progress this with you.

We look forward to working with you all.
No employer is too large or too small! 

Please note you can also complete an application found in our Resources Section under Autoenrolment or send us a message